The old Bell from the Greene County Courthouse is on display in the gazebo on the east side of the courthouse in Bloomfield, Indiana.

Court News: Infractions

List of all speeding tickets and other infractions filed in Greene Superior Court Feb. 26 to March 1, 2024:

Greene Superior Court, Infractions

Melissa Gordon, speeding

Steven B, Louden, speeding – exceeding maximum 55 MPH

Sandeep Neupane, speeding – exceeding maximum 55 MPH

Kendall W. Brewster, operating with expired plates, no valid driver’s license, operating a motor vehicle without financial responsibility

Laquin Lapp, driving while suspended

Sierra Means, speeding

Toni Scott, speeding

Ayrton Elijah Swaby, speeding

Shad t. Carter, speeding, failure to obey signs and markings while driving a vehicle

Heather L. Mumma, disregarding stop sign

Cory A. Joseph, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 MPH limit

Scott Robert Deck, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 MPH limit

Melissa S. Thomas, no valid driver’s license

Mary T. Munoz, operating with expired plates

Rebecca Greenlee, speeding

Brandon S. Miller, speeding – exceeding locally set speed limit a local authority has changed